6 Tips to Study More Effectively

6 Tips to Study More Effectively

I’ve received several questions about studying and since studying is a staple in my life, I thought it worthy of a blog post. Here’s 6 things I do to study more effectively so I can get the information I need and move on with my day.  

Location Location Location

white mug near stack of books

Being a creature of habit, I have to study in a place that’s comfy, but not so comfy I can curl up and take a nap. It has to be free from distractions of social media, phones, TVs, etc. For me, this is our kitchen table. Our dining room has a cool breeze, I feel comfortable sitting there for a couple hours but not comfortable enough to fall asleep, and it’s easy to sit there and unplug the devices. For others, this location may be a local coffee shop, library or something similar. Whatever it is, if you’re having trouble studying, try changing your scenery and see if that helps. 


pink headphones

Some people study with all sorts of sounds, some require silence. I’m the latter. I need it to be quiet. No TV, music, talking..anything. Which, with a toddler babbling about, can be difficult but I make do. Or I’ll wait until he goes to bed, pour myself a glass of wine and crack open my TOs. So romantic. Whatever your sound habits are, if you’re study tactics don’t seem to be working, try changing it up and see if silence helps you retain more information.

Stop Multi-tasking

If you’re multi-tasking while you’re trying to study, you’re not doing yourself any favors. This also goes back to your devices. Put them away. If you’re expecting an important phone call or something, turn the ringer on and put it in a different room. JUST DISCONNECT. We are so attached to our devices these days, it can be a huge hindrance on our ability to learn. Try to not watch TV while you’re studying, don’t text, don’t email, don’t do anything except study and see how productive you are. 


I learn best with flashcards. So much of my job is term and definition based, flash cards are the perfect answer. But, depending on what I’m studying I could be memorizing or reviewing over 200 terms. I don’t have time to write out 200 flash cards, but I do have time to type them up real quick on Quizlet. Quizlet is my favorite study website! It’s easy to use and navigate and the perfect way for me to study on the go. If you pay for a membership, you can download the card decks and all your study materials are available offline. Another perk is most topics already have a ton of work done for you. Just search what you’re studying and see if anyone else has already made a set of card. Obviously, you need to double check their work and make sure the answers are correct, but still, definitely a time saver.

Read Before Bed 

Since everything is digital now, all of our publications are on an ipad. I feel like I retain information much easier when it’s in print form, but alas its 2020 and I have to evolve. So I bring my iPad to bed with me and read for 10-20 minutes. There’s some research out there that says your brain actually absorbs the most amount of information when you’re tired. Which is great news because I’m FOREVER tired. I know there’s also a bunch of research telling you not to use backit devices before bed also, so I use blue-light glasses and I really do think they help.  


Just because you know something today, doesn’t mean you’ll know it tomorrow. It never fails, every time I come back from a formal training course, I know the textbook answer to almost everything. And then as time goes on, and I have less and less daily exposure to that topic, I lose it. You have to keep studying the same topics, even if you already know them. 10-20 minutes of repetition a day will keep that information at the forefront of your brain. 

Studying is something I do (or should do) pretty much daily. I’m responsible for knowing SO much information, I can’t possibly keep it all it my head. So through the years, I’ve learned these 6 items help me study more effectively and more efficiently, so I can study and get on with my day.

I would love to know if you have any tricks up your sleeve that help you study more effectively! Drop your tips and tricks in the comments below.

If you want to know how I got started in aviation, read this!

xo, Emily 

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